Phoenix Swan-Dragon
My mother saved up until she had a lot of money in a trust fund. Unfortunately, it seems like it was her kamma. That trust went bankrupt. My mother lost many millions of baht.
Mysterious Stone
There was a monk who loved in doing pilgrimage. One time, he traveled to an old temple and found a black stone in shape like the boundary marker stone of a Buddhist temple. He brought that stone back with him to his temple….After that, there were many unusual things happened to him even when he meditated. His mother was injured by a fallen broken pillar hit right on her back. Is this a curse of that black stone? DMD has the answers.
Attaining The Four Noble Truths.
The Lord Buddha said, “According to the real basics of life, life is suffering, which we don’t know.” As a metaphor for this saying
Basic Meditation Technique Step #5
The sharing of loving kindness is something we can do every day, both before and after daily meditation. A brief period before meditating softens and broadens our minds.
Concepts for the instilling of Core Values
All that has been mentioned in the forgoing chapter are virtues which need to be instilled in the hearts of the people destined for self-improvement-because anyone with positive core values has the seeds of growing up into the sort of person for whom society is crying out.
Why our temple does not have walking meditation? and why there is someone leading us through the instructions with his voice while we are supposed to be seated quietly during the sitting meditation?
I invited my friend to the temple for meditation. He wondered why our temple does not have walking meditation. On top of that, he would like to know why there is someone leading us through the instructions with his voice while we are supposed to be seated quietly during the sitting meditation?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Usage (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Nine :- Artfulness in Usage.
Mixing with the Wise
Who is a Wise Person? 1. A wise person is someone who knows the difference between good and bad
Raising Our Children to be good People
In a society saturated with media, many parents are worried that their children will succumb to bad influences